

October 2016 Pro Club Stickers

October 2016 Pro Club Stickers

Are you dressing up this year? I feel like Halloween as an adult was always a little like New Years Eve: a great excuse to go H...

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Keyboard + cute Korean stickers

Japanese Stickers + Korean Stickers

So, about Japanese, Korean, and kawaii stickers... You all know my sticker love grows from a memory that many of us share. I...

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Bando Planner! Planner review... Some next level stuff!

I'm feeling like a total noodge (yes, mom language, I know) because I've had this Bando Planner (AKA Bando Agenda) post almost ...

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Let's Chat: Create with Beth

Let's Chat: Create with Beth

Last spring, I was lucky enough to be part of the Southeast Planner Con, in Atlanta GA. In addition to spreading the sticker lo...

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Passion Planner review... Are you ready to get real?

Passion Planner review... Are you ready to get real?

The Passion Planner isn't just a pretty book on the shelf (but it is SUPER pretty)... and the word "planner" doesn't do it just...

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Sticker like an egyptian!

Pipsticks is TWO YEARS OLD!!

Two. Years. Old. OMG!!! Pipsticks is two years old! ย Just like any birthday, I canโ€™t believe itโ€™s been two years, and at the sa...

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Pro Club stickers

August 2016 Pro Club stickers!

Watch below to see what was in our August Pro Club sticker pack. Disclaimer: you'll definitely be craving popcorn by the end......

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suatelier stickers dogs

Suatelier Stickers are the complete package

Suatelier stickers tick all the boxes. They're the complete package. You know those people that have it all? Good looks, a s...

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We're giving away a typewriter!

September VIP giveaways!

Okay, it's safe to say we areย VERY excited to celebrate our second birthday at the Pipsticks Studio!! I'll be writing a little ...

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