Pipsticks is TWO YEARS OLD!!
Two. Years. Old. OMG!!! Pipsticks is two years old! Just like any birthday, I can’t believe it’s been two years, and at the same time, I can’t believe it’s ONLY been two years!
In 2014, I was emailing friends and family about my little baby of a sticker business (I happened to have another baby cooking at the time, ha!), asking them to spread the word. Everyone was supportive and excited, but I think there was likely some good natured eye rolling. Stickers? Huh? With another baby on the way?!
The thing is, I just KNEW that I wasn’t the only one who would freak out about stickers in the mail. And then one by one, the club was born. I found you, my fellow sticker lovers and realized that there are SO many creative, kooky, and super generous people in what has become our special club!
On a whim, I came into work a couple weeks ago and declared that we should shoot a birthday video. My stickersquad totally MOBILIZED, and within moments, there was a serious bustle in the Pipsticks Studio as all the ladies did their thang to get ready: painting nails, stickerbombing party hats, decorating sticker cakes!!
As I stood back and watched what was happening, my heart swelled. They were each in their element and, at that moment, there was nothing they wanted more than to GET DOWN WITH STICKERS.
Aren't they the BEST?!
As I reflect on the past two years, I'm so grateful:

- For my super fun team who make me coffee when I need one, and totally know how to bust a groove.
- That I'm able to have a flexible job where I can hang with my kids when I want to.
- For the connections I make with you guys (I SOOOO love your emails, tags and posts!!).
- For the boxes and boxes and boxes full of stickers that are delivered to the studio each week (I still get butterflies when I open them).
- Of the fact that I can totally expense manicures and art supplies (because I actually have a job where I use them!!).
- Of having a job where I get to use said art supplies (esp washi tape and neon paint).
- That I get to empower sticker lovers of all ages to embrace the joy of sticker