Fanmail Friday: "Thanks for making my childhood sticker dreams come true"

This sticker rainbow is what dreams are made of!

Happy Friday!

We finally arrived in Wisconsin - after my family's wedding antics and 41 hours in the car! - and have settled into our home away from home! It's always hard to be away from the office - ESPECIALLY when new sticker samples arrive lol. That said, being further away from my sticker stash makes me appreciate them WAY more... This week, samples of our newest Halloween Sticker Countdown Calendar (OMG, it's so cute) AND a brand new Pips product that we're all totally freaking out about (keep your eyes on Instagram for a sneak peek!) came in. Yvonne (the incredible woman who names all of our Pipstickers) overnighted me samples and I spent the afternoon ooohing and aaahing over them with my mother-in-law in her kitchen! It's so fun to see our products out of context - it feels a little bit like I'm on the other side of what we do and I felt so grateful to be sharing in the "unboxing" experience! Have a relaxing weekend (I'll be waving from a shark floaty on the pond!),

We love receiving Happy Mail!!! Send us snail mail for a chance to win our monthly Fanmail drawing for a $50 Pipsticks gift card!
Sticker Squad
1304 Garden Street
San Luis Obispo, California
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