Fan Mail Friday: "I'm 39 and I'm playing with stickers, thank you for that"

The last fan mail letters of the year come from Abby and Britany and remind us that stickers are one of those little things that can bring lots of joy to our lives. A joy, a delight, magical, whimsical, a coping mechanism, a hobby, a treat, an obsession, something to look forward to, self-care, time with your kids, time away from your kids, planning, inspiration, art... stickers can be many things and we are lucky to be surrounded by them and by all of you in this amazing global community! Cheers to another year full of love and of making time for those little things that put a smile on your face!! Lesson from the beas: Leave the world a little sweeter than you found it. Dear Mo@ Pipsticks, I'm 39 and I'm playing with stickers. Thank you for that. I think I aged in reverse. My sister used to collect Lisa Frank stickers and I made fun of her for it. Now here I am, finally finding the joy in it. Your ad appeared in my FB feed a few months ago, and I ignored it. But I recently had a baby. Everything was going well until about 8 weeks in. Post-partum depression started to sink in. Things that had always made me happy weren't making me happy anymore. TBH, I'm still struggling. But I treated myself to some stickers. I journal as a coping mechanism and I thought the stickers would be a nice way to add some color and fun. I was right! whenever I need to get grounded and just zone out, I get out my journal and play with some stickers. I've ordered twice, and now I'm subscribed. I also giftel My sister+ niece a subscription. I can't logically explain why these stickers bring me such joy, but it's enough to just know that they do. That first ad of yours that I saw made me start to think... grown-ups can play too. Thank you for normalizing that idea. I'm looking forward to January's stickers. If I could give an award for product of-the-year, I'd give it to Pipsticks. keep up the great work! You get a gold star. :hearts: Abby
Lesson from the bees: leave the world a little sweeter than you found it. Dear Mo@ Pipsticks, I'm 39 and I'm playing with stickers. Thank you for that. I think I aged in reverse. My sister used to collect Lisa Frank stickers and I made fun of her for it. Now here I am, finally finding the joy in it. Your ad appeared in my FB feed a few months ago, and I ignored it. But I recently had a baby. Everything was going well until about 8 weeks in. Post-partum depression started to sink in. Things that had always made me happy weren't making me happy anymore. TBH, I'm still struggling. But I treated myself to some stickers. I journal as a coping mechanism and I thought the stickers would be a nice way to add some color and fun. I was right! whenever I need to get grounded and just zone out, I get out my journal and play with some stickers. I've ordered twice, and now I'm subscribed. I also gifted my sister+ niece a subscription. I can't logically explain why these stickers bring me such joy, but it's enough to just know that they do. That first ad of yours that I saw made me start to think... grown-ups can play too. Thank you for normalizing that idea. I'm looking forward to January's stickers. If I could give an award for product of the year, I'd give it to Pipsticks. Keep up the great work! You get a gold star. ♥ Abby

You're doing amazing things Abby!!  Keep it up (and nap when you can!)

Happy Friday!

Sometimes a piece of fanmail just stops me in my tracks. This letter is one of those - it went right to my heart and is full of the vulnerable wisdom that I think we can all learn from as we head into a new year...

I had grand plans to tie up all of my loose ends from 2021 this week, but as of last night I still had LOADS to do. So instead, I'm throwing up my hands, taking a lesson from Abby, and spending today playing with stickers and vision boarding with my friend!

As the past two years have shown us, life doesn't usually go to plan these days. So I say: When in doubt, play with stickers... and lean on all the other little things that make your life happier!

Cheers to you and the happy moments you've had this year,

xoxo Mo
I recently read ross gay's Book of delights in which he writes essays about things that delight him. inspired by this, I am making Minizines about things that delight me, and Pipsticks delight's me. I appreciate the frequent sales I plan on taking advantage of cyber Monday to upgrade to the classic pack. Brittany
I recently read ross gay's Book of delights in which he writes essays about things that delight him. inspired by this, I am making Minizines about things that delight me, and Pipsticks delight's me. I appreciate the frequent sales I plan on taking advantage of cyber Monday to upgrade to the classic pack. Brittany

We love your letters! Send us Fan Mail and you could be next month's lucky winner of a Pipsticks gift card to go on a sticker shopping spree!
Sticker Squad
1304 Garden Street
San Luis Obispo, California
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