August 2017 Pro Printables Subscription

Hiya Guys! This month's printables are inspired by all the party planning happening around Pipsticks HQ! With September (our birthday month) on the horizon, I just couldn't get my mind off it! You'll find a mix of black and white options as well as full color options with simple designs and clean lines! Each printable can be printed on any type of paper, but we like to use presentation quality paper. Don't forget to mix it up and print on colored paper, patterned paper, newsprint, or label paper! You never know what you'll be able to create! *Heart Eyes* DOWNLOAD YOUR PRINTABLES HERE

The Breakdown

TEA TIME >  Print on cardstock, fold, and use as a card or invitation! Psst! It fits perfectly in the envelope template on the next page! PIECE OF CAKE> Cut triangles out of the cake and sprinkle papers and alternate them for a super fun tea party garland! BEEHIVE > Was it called a beehive in the days of Marie Antoinette?! These beauties are fun in black and white or color them in to get them party ready! FRAME YOUR THOUGHTS > Lots of different frames to contain your best ideas! Use them to:
  • Draw what you did over the weekend
  • write a poem inspired by your fave food
  • Look in your closet and sketch your favorite articles of clothing.
  • Draw or write about the people you'd invite to your dream dinner party!

What should I print on?

What paper should I use to print my pages? Any regular printer paper is okay, however they’ll look best if you using a presentation quality paper. We suggest What sticker sheets should I use to print stickers on? For any stickers that come in your printable subscription, you'll want full sheet sticker paper. We suggest: If you have any other questions, please shoot me an email at DOWNLOAD YOUR PRINTABLES HERE xo Mo p.s. Don't forget! you can adjust the sizing in your page setup to print them out smaller!
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