What’s your secret super power? I can tell the time without looking at a clock or watch (they call me Chronos)! Use these printables to craft your perfect super hero costume, and find inspiration as you develop your powers! xoxo Mo DOWNLOAD YOUR KIDS PRINTABLES HERE! CUFFS > Color, decorate, and cut along the outer lines, then tape around your wrists for instant super powers! MASKS > Be sure to hide your identity behind an awesome mask as you’re out saving the world. Color, cut, and string on with elastic, yarn, or string! SUPER DOLLS > What would your superhero outfit look like? Dress up our Supergirl and Superboy figures with these clothes! Cut and paste them on to make awesome action figures! MY HERO > There are so many heroes around us - teachers with super teaching powers; Moms and Dads with super tickle powers; aunts, uncles, and grandparents with super cooking, reading, and hugging powers. Draw a picture of your real-life super hero! You’re AMAZING > Get this taxicab to the star super quick!!
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