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80's Flashback Pro Pack
The 80's Flashback Pro Pack is available in 2 sizes, Classic (with 15 sheets of stickers) and Petite (with 7 sheets of stickers).
The PETITE pack includes:
- 1 Paper Goodie
- 1 Copy of Pippy (The Sticker Club Zine)
- Super Fun Reusable Packaging
- Show Some Leg Warmers
- Hair Play by Tonia Dee
- Bowl Me Over
- Rainbow Illusions
- Teen Scene
- Happy-Go-Lucky
- Fairy Tale Fauna
The CLASSIC pack includes everything in the Petite pack, PLUS:
- Neon Alphabet
- Say It 80's Style
- Pitter Pattern Of My Heart
- Daydream Doodles
- Make Your Mark
- Unstoppable Unicorn
- Eclectic Geometric
NOW! Choose your Vinyl Pipsticker!
- Pro Classic A: Don't Crimp My Style Vinyl
- Pro Classic B: Go Bananas Vinyl
- Pro Classic C: Scrunchies In A Bunch Vinyl
Released: January 2023