Let's Chat: The Rachel Mark

Do you think I look bad in this color? lavender top love this shirt from the Gap... My closest friends are definitely sick of hearing me ask this question as I'm inevitably holding up another pastel lavender or peach sweater that I so wish I could wear but just...can't. Electric blue? Yes! Olive, orangey red, anything in the greenish grey family? Totally. And that's great but, in this case, the grass is always greener. I have this itch for pastels that I've never been able to scratch because, as a red head, it just does nothing for me. This is as close as I can get to pastel! This is as close as I can get to pastel! I compensate by dressing my kids in pretty pastels, and with throw pillows and dishes (things that won't be anywhere near my face) when my husband will let me get away with it. And, perhaps this unrequited love for pastels is one of the reasons I instantly fell in love with the Instagram feed of @therachmark. feed Soon after I joined the planner craze and found myself trolling the plannergirl hashtags into the early hours of morning, Rachel's was one that stood out as beautiful, sophisticated and fun. Her planner palette was calling my name! So, I was very excited to be able to share a little more about Rachel with you guys. She's one of these uber talented, very young creatives that makes me try to convince myself that if I had found planning and IG at her age I totally would have been as proactive and successful (as if!).

The Rachel Mark

Hi everyone! My name is Rachel and I am currently a student living in New York City. If you didn't know by now, I am a bonafide planner addict! IMG_4119 Where do you live and work? I'm originally from just outside of Philly, but I am currently in NYC for school. I guess my love of paper extends into my studies because I am an English major! 2016-0112 Art Crate-2 How and when did you start planning? I feel like I have been using planners forever! Being Korean, I had a lot of access to Asian stationery stores since I was little and even back then I hoarded stickers and stationery. My school also provided students with agendas from 5th grade until 12th grade and, although those weren't the prettiest, at a young age I realized the importance of organization and really felt comfortable with pen and paper planning. Were you ever intimidated by a fresh, new planner? The very first planner I got (in terms of #planneraddict planning) I was way too excited to be intimidated! I had already planned out so many spreads, bought so many stickers and tape and was just ready to go ASAP! Even today, I get so excited to put my first marks into my new planners. What is your approach to decorating your planner? As a student, it is most important for my decorations to be functional. Once all of my functional things are down (like my schedule, assignments and meetings), then I will put down more decorative elements. I still want my planner to look pretty because it really helps me to want to stay organized and manage my time well. Rachel 6 How many planners do you have? Which is your favorite? I actually don't have that many planners! I try to keep my collection minimal and only keep planner binders that I love and I give away my coiled planners to friends or family who need one. Currently, I would say I have 5-10 planners (not all used at the same time)! Do you have a creative routine? How many hours a week do you spend on your planner? I wouldn't say I have a creative routine...I try to be creative everyday! I try not to get super into decorating my planner during the day because I will get nothing done! I tend to plan at night after my work is done and during the weekends when I film videos for my planning channel. IMG_2501 Tell us how you feel about stickers. I have always, always loved stickers! I am forever grateful for finding this little planner community where I can use and collect stickers as an adult. It's a dream come true! IMG_3118 Your instagram feed is beautiful. What’s your approach to styling and photographing for your feed and blog? Thank you :) My biggest priority when taking photos for my Instagram and blog are to make sure I have adequate lighting. Unfortunately, it cannot always be natural light, but that definitely produces the most appealing images. As for styling, I love to include things within the same color scheme or theme of the item I am photographing. Pretty pens, matching tapes, small sheets of stickers are all great for adding interest, but not distracting from your subject! 081415-2 The planner community is huge and an awesomely close-knit group. What’s your experience been like with this group? When I first entered the planner community, I was honestly shocked. Who knew there was a little corner of the internet where creative, supportive people loved to be organized and help others out! It's so easy to become pessimistic about the world with all of its negativity, but the planner community is so welcoming and helpful whether you're searching for your unicorn planner or even need a new friend in your town. I have made some actual real-life friends through planning and I am so thankful for that! How do you treat yourself? I treat myself by buying stickers ;) I definitely have more stickers than I can ever use in my lifetime, but I love the feeling of seeing and feeling new stickers for the first time and I also love supporting small businesses (especially those run by women)! IMG_4607 What’s your favorite food? My favorite food is PIZZA. 11082015-01 Week in Review 1 What are you reading? I am currently reading Wreck and Order, by Hannah Tennant-Moore. Haven't gotten far into it yet though! What are you listening to? I am currently listening to Adele, Justin Bieber...and do YouTube videos count? What is a secret skill or talent? My (not so) secret skill is that I can spend a lot on planners and planner supplies...but I also used to sing! IMG_4156 As a child, what did you wish to become when you grew up? When I was younger, I really wanted to become something creative. I jumped from fashion designer, stylist, actress. Today, I'm more grounded, but I still want to express my creative through writing or social media. What advice do you have for people wanting to be more creative? Be inspired, but don't copy. It's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to emulate someone perfectly, which actually makes you feel less creative. Don't be afraid of what people will say or think and create how you please! Also, sharing your creative hobby is a great perk of social media. You can create a separate Instagram account of Facebook page to showcase your works big and small and you will definitely find others who share your hobby! Thank you for hanging out, Rachel! You can read more from Rachel on her blog The Rachel Mark. For those of you interested in joining the planner craze, you can find other tips from planner girls like Miss Trenchcoat and My Purpley Life! And of course, if you're not already in the Pipsticks sticker club, there's no better way to make your planner sing, so go sign up! Mo xoxo
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Catherine Davis

- April 09, 2024

As a planner addict, 80’s child, and avid follower of both Pip’s and The Rachel Mark I loved this post! Thanks Rachel for sharing about yourself and your inspiration. And I definitely agree that the planner community while extensive is certainly close and friendly! While I’ve used a paper planner since the early 90’s I think my decorated planner journey actually started with my subscription to Pipsticks and I am eternally grateful! Happy Planning everyone!


- April 09, 2024

oh i would love to know where the kitty planner and the “bee kind” stickers come from!

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