Pipsticks + Punk Post Collab and Giveaway!

When I learned about Punk Post, I was instantly obsessed! Punk Post sends hand lettered snail mail on your behalf.  You download the app, choose a card (like the cute ones we just designed), and type out your message! Then the artists at Punkpost write your message in their gorgeous lettering and mail it the old school way - with a STAMP :) As you know, we're all about snail mail around here, and as soon as I learned that there was another company combining snail mail and tech in such a fun way I knew we had to collaborate. And we did . . . We designed these 5 cards that you can order and send through Punkpost! To kick off the collab, we're doing a joint giveaway with lots of summer themed, snail mail goodies! Read our Q+A with Alexis, the founder of Punkpost, below, and be sure to enter the giveaway. These cards were inspired by stickers from our June Pro Club sticker pack - if you're not already in The Sticker Club, join here!


Here's what you'll win:

  • 5 free cards through Punkpost
  • 5 PipSticker sheets
  • 2 pens
  • 2 washi tapes
  • 1 free month of a sticker subscription
The giveaway will run through May 31st, so be sure to max out your entries and tell all your friends!!


Enter by following the instructions on our Instagram post! Look for the photo above :D Contest ends at 6:00 PM PST on Friday, May 31st. The winner will be announced June 3rd, and will be contacted via social media. Contest Terms & Conditions

Let's chat with Alexis from Punkpost!

Where do you live? Where are you from? I'm originally from South Dakota. I've lived in San Francisco for the past 13 years! What 5 - or more - things do you LOVE? Snail mail, stationery, hiking, kombucha, and Bob's Burgers! What did you want to be when you grew up as a child? I wanted to own my own business :) When did you fall in love with stickers? Before I can remember! My sticker book was like my very favorite thing when I was little. How long have you been in the creative industry? 10+ years! What do you do for work? I run Punkpost along side our awesome team and community! What's an exciting idea you've had recently? That I should probably go to Japan to check out their stationery goodness :) What's your favorite movie? The entire Harry Potter series. Owl mail is kind of a dream! What are you currently reading? It Doesn't Have To Be Crazy At Work What's the best present you've received? Photo books from Blurb of trips I've gone on, from the person I went on them with! Thanks Alexis! We are so excited about this fun collaboration! Don't forget to follow Punkpost here! xo Mo
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Megan LeMasurier

- April 09, 2024

I love this idea! Oh, totally go to Japan and check out their stationary, it is awesome! Also check out JetPens.com —> the place to buy Japanese stationary when you live in the states plus some other neat stuff.


- April 09, 2024

Stickers + snail mail. My happy place.

Tanya Hemmesch

- April 09, 2024

I love that you collaborate and promote other companies in the creative industry.

Diane De Vettori

- April 09, 2024

What a fun concept and who doesn’t like to get a personalized piece of mail!

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