Fanmail Friday: "It's my first club pack!"

Obsessed with this mutiple-note style snail mail!
Hello Pipsticks! My name is Bella, and here are three of my favorite things about fall, in no particular order! This came today & it's my first club pack!!

Happy Friday!

How was your week? I legitimately have no idea where this last week went! All I know is I'm looking forward to sleeping in this weekend - I left some Trader Joes GF pumpkin muffin mix on the counter in hopes that Ella bakes them before I wake up :)

We've got (almost) two costumes down - just wrapping up Ike's Poseidon and Indy's Medusa this weekend (follow along for the craft foam + spray paint play-by-play!). Luckily Atticus opted for the store bought Grim Reaper lewk so I'm down to three DIY costumes this year.

From what I understand, our street is THE block for trick-or-treating and we've been advised by multiple neighbors to buy (are you sitting down?) three THOUSAND pieces of candy to keep up with the trick-or-treater demand on the 31st?

 The decorations around here are amazing and it's so fun to watch the whole neighborhood prepare for the festivities. Between work and motherhood (the struggle is real these days) we haven't had a chance to decorate our stoop as much as the kids would like...

In a last ditch effort,  I picked up a bunch of cobwebs and some caution tape and plan to drink my coffee and let them have at it tomorrow morning (hopefully while I enjoy a warm pumpkin muffin!).

Here's to doing what we can when we can! Sending you big hugs,

xoxo Mo p.s. People are freaking out over the tiny fuzzy mushrooms in next month's Stationery Club Box! p.p.s. PLEASE vote for us on the USA Today 10 Best Awards for the Best Kids Subscription! We're in the top 10 on the leaderboard!! p.p.p.s. We love your letters! Send happymail to us at Pipsticks, P.O. Box 13260, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406.
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