2018 December Planner Club Printables

DOWNLOAD YOUR PLANNER CLUB PRINTABLES HERE DOWNLOAD YOUR PERSONAL PLANNER CLUB PRINTABLES HERE DOWNLOAD YOUR A5 PLANNER CLUB PRINTABLES HERE DOWNLOAD YOUR BONUS THANK YOU CARD PACK HERE The New Year is almost here, and this month's printables will have you ready to CRUSH 2019. We've had tons of requests for tracking printables, so here. they. are! There are loads of gold star worthy designs in lots of different formats, all perfect for goal setting and tracking your workouts, water consumption, sleep, and moods! Here's to self-care and lots of LOVE in 2019. Have a fantastic holiday! Mo xoxo DOWNLOAD YOUR PLANNER CLUB PRINTABLES HERE DOWNLOAD YOUR PERSONAL PLANNER CLUB PRINTABLES HERE DOWNLOAD YOUR A5 PLANNER CLUB PRINTABLES HERE DOWNLOAD YOUR BONUS THANK YOU CARD PACK HERE  
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- April 09, 2024

Can you tell me what the differences in planner sizes are? I am not sure what regular planner club vs personal planner club vs A5 planner club is. Also are some of the included Printables the same size across those 3 downloads?

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